Tuesday 26 May 2009

Rumney Canvas Art

Hi there, just a short update on the work I have been getting along with, done a new canvas painting of Northumberland Street in Newcastle, a fav place of mine, I will get the art photographed and placed on my website by the end of the week.  Just about finished the China painting, its looking great, I'm really happy with it, I will also place it on my website and let you see it, its not that often you get to do something so unusual, let me know your thoughts, that would be great to get some feedback.  Anyway got to dash I have promised the Kids I will take them bowling tonight, school holidays and all.

Bye for now Pete

Saturday 23 May 2009

Canvas Art Commissions

Got a few commissions to get through this week, one of a place in china and the other of London both done as a canvas painting, the sizes vary one of which is just 20 x 24 inches and the other is 30 x 40 inches. I love canvas art, I can't wait to get stuck into my London Scene, I’m thinking of introducing the famous red bus, its a great focal point.

I like to do a variety of canvas paintings, introducing new styles and themes to capture the imagination. When I get some more time I'm looking at creating some pieces of wildlife art, I've seen some recent work by wildlife artist Jonathon Truss and was absolutely blown away by his attention to detail, especially his studies of tigers, they are beautiful creatures, and have fabulous intricate features to paint.

I'm contacting a few more art galleries this week, to get my canvas art featured on their websites, and hopefully enter some`more art competitions, its difficult at the moment to hold an exhibition as I paint the pieces I put them on my website to sell (http://www.rumneyexclusive.com) , they often get sold quite quickly and my stock diminishes, I'm just going to have to extend my day and try a stock pile my favourite canvas art pieces.

Many thanks for reading

Pete Rumney

Friday 22 May 2009

to find my art go to http://www.rumneyexclusive.com

My Art

Hi Welcome to my new blog for my art much of which you will find on http://www,rumneyexclusive.com. I'm not planning on writing much today since I'm ill in bed and have been for 2 days, so when I'm up to it I'll add to this new blog and talk a bit about the artwork I have planned over the next few months.

